

About Me.

This page has a daunting title and purpose. I suppose you want to know more about me and I suppose it is my duty to tell you these things. Where to start?

I know the standard "About Me" pages include all sorts of information like my gender, age, and hobbies, but those are boring bits of information that may or may not be helpful in your forming an opinion of me. If your opinion of me is solely based on the fact that I am a 27 year old female, then there is something wrong with this picture.

But for the sake of being obfuscate, I will tell you a little more about me than you ever wanted to know.

I was born in a small town and grew up in the small town next door. I am smarter than your average bear and probably smarter than your average high school student. I graduated from a state university with Bachelor of Arts in both English and Anthropology after having been kicked out of 2 colleges previously. Neither college expelled me for bad things, just failure to fall in line with their stated requirements.

Despite living in the buckle of the Bible Belt,, I do not subscribe to a Christian based theology. Feel free to judge me, but I consider myself agnostic, if I were forced to define it. I am also a cynic, a skeptic and a little bit of a nihilist (on my good days).

I have 4 tattoos, and I will not explain them to you, other than to say that one of them is a quote from a Nietzsche poem. The other 3 are not.

I read a lot of books. It is a habit I threw myself into as an introverted child and have kept up to this day. I find that books make better companions than most people and will probably never change this outlook. I tend to read more than 50 books but less than 100 every year. This year I'm shooting for that magical even number.

Speaking of introverts, my personality type is an INTP. I find this to be entirely accurate. As Angelina Jolie once said in an excellent movie,, "We are rare and we are mostly men." I don't know about the men part as applying to the INTP status, but only 3-5 percent of the population can claim to be an INTP. We ARE the weirdos your mother warned you about.

And since this is also a place I plan on writing about personal finances, it's time for the important part of this process.

My financial information.

I currently have a little over 51,000 total in student loan debt. This is scattered through the wind in 14 different loans: 13 of which are Stafford loans, mostly subsidized. I think only 1 is unsubsidized (thanks graduate school!) and 1 loan directly through the first college I attended. The last loan is at approx. 4000 dollars.

I also have a credit card I am working on paying off. It has already entered the settlement stage of the process, since I am an avoider. I didn't open my mail or answer a phone call for about 3 years if I didn't know who it was from. The company that bought the debt was getting ready to sue me when we reached an out-of-court agreement. I give them a certain amount of money every month for the rest of my life and they won't garnish what little wages I make. In 2009 when this happened it sounded like a great deal. I was making minimum wage and had just moved out of the house with my boyfriend, so I was pretty screwed financially. I am still chipping away at this debt.

I own my car outright and my monthly expenses are pretty low otherwise. I am a bit of a shopping addict though, so I'm still working on controlling that desire. It took me years to realize that it was a problem and not the solution.

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